Mastering Routines and the Powerful Impact They Have | LeadingLane Podcast | Ep 3


Today we explore the importance of morning routines and the impact they have on personal well-being and productivity. Steven and Ashley discuss their own experiences and share tips for implementing a healthy morning routine. They emphasize the need for physical activity, proper nutrition, and avoiding phone use in the morning. Setting boundaries and protecting the morning routine are also key to sticking with it. The correlation and connection between self-care and business success is often overlooked. 


  • Morning routines are essential for personal well-being and productivity.
  • Physical activity and proper nutrition should be incorporated into the morning routine.
  • Avoiding phone use in the morning helps maintain focus and reduce distractions.
  • Setting boundaries and protecting the morning routine are crucial for success.
  • Working on oneself is essential for business success.
  • Reducing phone use and setting priorities can improve overall well-being.
  • Improving nighttime routines can contribute to better sleep and overall health.

00:00 - Introduction and Lack of Morning Routine
01:06 - The Importance of Morning Routines
02:00 - Implementing a Morning Routine
08:24 - Working on Yourself to Improve Your Business
11:27 - Being Present and Avoiding Phone Use
15:21 - Identifying Habits to Stop Doing
16:11 - Improving Nighttime Routine
20:33 - Being Aware of Time Spent on Social Media
21:58 - Reducing Phone Notifications
23:34 - Using Screen Time as a Tool
25:27 - Conclusion
Mastering Routines and the Powerful Impact They Have | LeadingLane Podcast | Ep 3
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