Marketing Coordinators | LeadingLane Podcast | Ep 5

Today we dive into the importance of a marketing coordinator and investing in professional photography. Learn how our hosts use this to expand their market with consistency and branding to increase their overall client satisfaction.  Remember, what you do for your current client is a perfect marketing opportunity for future clients.

  • Investing in professional photography can greatly enhance the presentation of listings and attract more potential buyers.
  • Hiring a marketing coordinator can help streamline marketing efforts and provide consistent branding across all listings.
  • Consistency and persistence in marketing strategies are key to standing out in a competitive market.
  • Being open and transparent with agents about changes in marketing strategies can help gain their buy-in and support.
  • Creative solutions, such as using the BoxBrownie app for photo editing, can help improve the quality of listing photos even with limited resources.

Creators and Guests

Steven L. Burch
Steven L. Burch
CEO, Entrepreneur, Founder of LeadingLane, Real Estate Broker/Owner
Marketing Coordinators | LeadingLane Podcast | Ep 5
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